Thursday, January 17, 2008

Outback Sunday

The flag blowing in the wind by Juyeop square (thanks for correcting me on the name honey)

For a long time I've joked about Outback (especially when I lived in the US) but due to several circumstances we decided to go on Sunday. One of the reasons was that Shinyoung had coupons

So we were waiting for a lot of food

So we got this dark bread with a very sweet crum to it and some butter

But on Shinyoung's request we got some chocolate sause which is very common (according to her) to dip the bread in

Going for the white fish which tasted really good

But I was in the mood for a steak, my whole motivation to go to Outback in the first place

After we had serious trouble getting up from the table we went to the supermarket to look for some gifts

The most different point between Danish and Korean supermarkets are the number of people working inside selling various products and the way they advertise by yelling to promote their products


At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey funny man, im enjoying so much reading your notes on each photos..! great baby. by the way it's Juyeop square instead of Madu square.. don't you remember it now?

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Talentlos said...

hey miss-know-it-all, thanks for the info, i just thought that madu was the name for the square too but i was wrong. it's good to hear that you enjoy my comments. i actually thought about making them in danish but now i'm very happy to have written them in english.

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeap, unless i spend some time at


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